set 26, 2024

Privacy Policy

Who we are and what we do

At LiveU Ltd., LiveU UK Limited, LiveU Inc., and any other member of the LiveU group companies, as relevant (collectively – “LiveU”, “we”, “our” or “us”), we respect your privacy and are strongly committed to making our data handling practices fair and transparent. Guided by trust as our core value, we offer a rich set of innovative, high-quality IP-video solutions for any live production – the LiveU EcoSystem. Spanning contribution, production and distribution, the LiveU EcoSystem is designed to add efficiency and shorten production workflows across the video production chain. Our wide range of offerings includes portable multi-cam/compact encoders (the “Units”) for live transmission, supported by next-gen cloud-based solutions for ingest, digital production and global distribution (together with the Units and any ancillary or supplementary LiveU tools and services – the “Solutions”).

Our Solutions cater to broadcast, media and sports organizations, public sector entities, and individual content creators (the “Subscriber(s)”), revolutionizing the way live news, sports, and events are broadcast and managed. These Subscribers purchase and use our Solutions based on their agreements with LiveU or with our authorized distributors, resellers, and sales partners (“Partners”) or with a third party.

Whose data this policy covers:

This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, store, use and disclose data relating to identified or identifiable individuals (“personal data” or “personal information”) which LiveU processes as a controller. It does NOT apply to personal data we process in the role of a processor on behalf of our Subscribers (“Subscriber Data”), as further explained in Section 10 below. Specifically, this Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the personal data of the following individuals:

  • Users who are registered to and/or use our Solutions, either independently, as individual Subscribers, or under the account of our Subscriber group or entity’s account, to the extent LiveU acts as a controller with respect to their personal data. This also includes individuals registered to or using the Solutions as our enterprise Subscriber’s account administrators (“Admins”) and those registered to LiveUniversity, our online learning platform for tutorials and guides on our Solutions.
  • Business Contacts who act as or work for a service provider or supplier to LiveU, and those who are employed by our existing Subscribers or Partners, to the extent their personal data has been shared with us in our capacity as a controller (e.g., for billing and invoicing purposes and when managing business relationships).
  • Prospects who visit our public websites (such as and its subdomains, depending on your location) or otherwise interact with us regarding our services via various sales and marketing channels, such as our digital ads and content, emails, integrations or communications under our control (“Sites”, and together with the Solutions – the “Services”). This also includes participants at events, webinars and other business and marketing activities that we organize or participate in, as well as any other individuals who act as or work for our prospective Subscribers or Partners.

Following this introduction, this Privacy Policy describes our practices regarding:

  1. Data Collection & Processing
  2. Data Uses & Legal Bases
  3. Data Location
  4. Data Retention
  5. Data Disclosure
  6. Cookies & Tracking Technologies
  7. Communications
  8. Data Security
  9. Your Privacy Rights
  10. Roles & Responsibilities
  11. Additional Notices & Contact Details

If you are a User, Business Contact or Prospect (collectively – “you” or “your”), please read this Privacy Policy carefully and make sure that you fully understand it. You are not legally required to provide us with any personal data, and may do so at your own free will. However, please keep in mind that without it, we may not be able to provide you with the full range of our Services or with the best user experience when interacting with them. If you do not wish to provide us with your personal data, or to have it processed by us, please do not provide us with your personal data, refrain from using or interacting with our Services, or submit a request to exercise your rights as further explained in Section 9 below.

1. Data Collection & Processing

We collect various types of personal data about you in relation to the Services. Such data is typically collected through your interactions with us or with our Sites or Services, through automatic means, directly from you, or through third parties, including our Service Providers (defined in Section 5 below). Specifically, depending on the nature of our relationship with you, we may process personal data about you as detailed below.

  • User Data: When you use or interact with our Solutions as a User, we may collect or generate the following types of personal data about you:
    • Contact and profile information: Name, email address, phone number, industry, company, position, country, any expressed, presumed or identified needs, preferences, attributes and insights relevant to the provision of our Solutions, and any other information submitted by you or your account Admin, or otherwise made available to us when you sign up or log in to the Solutions, create your individual profile (“User Profile”), or update your account.
    • Payment information: This information is relevant for the payment we may collect from you in the provision of our Services. It may consist of payment method information (like credit or debit card number, bank account details, IBAN, SWIFT code), contractual and billing details, purchase history and payment preferences. Supplemental documentation may be required according to the Services provided. In cases where the above-mentioned data solely relates to a legal entity (e.g., a company) rather than an individual, we will not regard it as personal data, and this Privacy Policy will not apply to it (though our security policies and safeguards will, of course, still apply).
    • Usage, login credentials, and device information: Connectivity, technical and aggregated usage data, such as browser version and details, device and application information (like device type, operating system, mobile device or app ID, IP address, locale and language settings used, network interfaces and bandwidth, Unit status, Boss ID (unique Unit identifier) and location), as well as activity and web server logs, crash reports, log-in credentials to the Services (such as username, hashed password or other information used for authentication and access control), the cookies and pixels installed or utilized on your device (as further described in Section 6 below), and your recorded activity (sessions, clicks, use of features, logged activities and other interactions) in connection with the Services.
    • Direct interactions and communications with us: Personal data contained in any forms and inquiries that you may submit to us, including support requests, surveys, feedback and testimonials received, as well as recordings and transcripts of your phone and video conference calls, emails and chats with us (e.g., for training, record-keeping, analytics, quality control and improvement purposes).
  • Business Contact Data: We may collect or generate the following types of personal data concerning you when you interact with us as a Business Contacts:
    • Contact and profile information: Name, email address, phone number, company, position, country, and any expressed, presumed or identified needs, preferences, attributes and insights relevant to our engagement with you or your organization.
    • Financial and billing Information: This information is relevant for the payments we may exchange in the provision of our Solutions or (if you are or work for a supplier to LiveU) in relation to the services provided by you. It may consist of contractual and billing details, billing address, payment method information (like credit or debit card number, bank account details, IBAN, SWIFT code), receipts (to the extent they contain any personal data), purchase history and payment preferences. In cases where the above-mentioned data solely relates to a legal entity (e.g., a company) rather than an individual, we will not regard it as personal data, and this Privacy Policy will not apply to it.
    • Direct interactions and communications with us: Recordings and transcripts of your phone and video conference calls, emails, form submissions and chats with us, faxes, letters and other correspondence (e.g., for training, record-keeping, and legal-related purposes).
    • Prospect Data: When you interact with us or our Sites as a Prospect, we may collect or generate the following types of personal data about you:
  • Business profile information: Name, email address, phone number, industry, company, position, country, and any expressed, presumed or identified needs, preferences, attributes and insights relevant to our potential engagement.
    • Sites usage information: Connectivity, technical and aggregated usage data, such as browser version and details, device and application information (like device type, operating system, mobile device ID, IP address, location, locale and language settings used, network interfaces and bandwidth), activity and web server logs, crash reports, the cookies and pixels installed or utilized on your device (as further described in Section 6 below), and your recorded activity (sessions, clicks, use of features, logged activities and other interactions) in connection with the Sites.
    • Direct interactions and communications with us: Personal data contained in any forms and inquiries that you may submit to us, including registrations to mailing lists or events that we host, organize, sponsor or take part in, surveys, feedback and testimonials received, and interactions through social media channels and instant messaging apps; recordings and transcripts of your phone and video conference calls , emails, and chats with us, as well as screen recordings, screenshots, documentation and relevant information that may be automatically recorded, tracked, transcribed and analyzed, for purposes such as analytics, quality control, improvements, training, and record-keeping.

For the purposes of the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), specifically in the last 12 months preceding the date this Privacy Policy was last updated, we have collected the personal information described above, which falls within these CCPA-defined categories: Identifiers; Customer Records Information; Professional or Employment-Related Information; Commercial Information; Internet or other Electronic Network Activity Information; Inferences; Audio, Electronic, Visual, Thermal, Olfactory, or Similar Information; Location Information; and Precise Location. We do not use or disclose sensitive personal information as defined by the CCPA beyond what is necessary to provide our Solutions.   

2. Data Uses & Legal Bases

We may use your personal data for the following purposes and in reliance on the legal bases for processing noted next to them, as appropriate:

PurposeLegal basis for processing
To authenticate your identity, and provide you access and use of our Services.Performance of a contract (where applicable)
Legitimate Interests
To facilitate, operate, and provide our Services.
To provide assistance and support to our Subscribers, Users and Partners.
To support and enhance our data security measures, including for the purposes of preventing and mitigating the risks or actual attempts of fraud, error, or any illegal or prohibited activity.Performance of a Contract (where applicable)
Legal Obligations
Legitimate Interests
To gain a better understanding of how you use and interact with our Services, and how we could improve your and others’ user experience and continue improving our Solutions, offerings, and the overall performance of our Services.Consent (where applicable)
Legitimate Interests
To facilitate and optimize our marketing campaigns, ad management, and sales operations, and to manage and deliver advertisements for our Services more effectively, including on other websites and applications. This includes contextual, behavioral and interests-based advertising based on your and others’ activities, preferences or other data available to us or to our Service Providers (defined in Section 5 below), and business partners.
To explore and pursue growth opportunities by facilitating a stronger local presence and tailored experiences.
To facilitate, sponsor and offer certain events, contests, promotions and benefit programs.
To contact you with general or personalized service-related messages, as well as promotional messages that may be of specific interest to you (as further described in Section 7 below).Performance of a Contract (where applicable)
Consent (where applicable)
Legitimate Interests
To evaluate, test and monitor our Services, diagnose or fix problems and bugs, as well as develop new features, technologies, and improvements to our Services.Legitimate Interests
To create aggregated statistical data, inferred non-personal data or anonymized or pseudonymized data (rendered non-personal), which we or our business partners may use to provide and improve our respective services, or for any other purpose.
To enforce our agreements with Subscribers, Partners, Service Providers, and other third parties, resolve disputes, and protect our business interests and the interests and rights of third parties.
To comply with court orders and warrants, prevent misuse of the Services, and take any action in any related legal dispute and proceeding.Legal Obligations
Legitimate Interests
To comply with applicable laws and regulations.

If you reside in or are using the Services in a territory governed by privacy laws under which “Consent” is the only or most appropriate lawful basis for the processing of personal data (in general, or specifically with respect to the types of personal data you expect or elect to submit or have processed via the Services), your acceptance of our contractual terms (where applicable) and this Privacy Policy will be deemed as your consent to the processing of your personal data for all purposes detailed in this Privacy Policy, unless applicable law requires a different form of consent. If you wish to revoke such consent, please contact

3. Data Location

We and our authorized Service Providers (defined in Section 5 below) maintain, store and process personal data in the European Union (EU), the United Kingdom (UK), Israel, Canada, Japan, the United States of America, Australia, and other locations, as reasonably necessary for the proper performance and delivery of our Services, or as may be required by law.

Local privacy laws may be different in your location. For such transfers across territories, LiveU and its Service Providers take appropriate safeguards to protect your personal data, your fundamental rights and freedoms, and the exercise of your rights in accordance with applicable laws.

If we transfer personal data originating from the European Economic Area (EEA), the UK, Switzerland or Japan to countries that provide an adequate level of data protection based on adequacy decisions published by the European Commission (and associated), the UK, Switzerland and Japan (as relevant), we rely on such adequacy findings regarding the level of data protection offered by the recipient country.

To the extent we transfer personal data originating from the EEA, the UK, Switzerland or Japan to countries that have not been recognized as offering an adequate level of data protection by the relevant competent authority, we and the relevant data exporters and importers rely on appropriate trans-border data transfer mechanisms as established under applicable law, such as the standard contractual clauses adopted by the EU (available here) and the UK (available here). You can obtain a copy of the latter by contacting us as indicated in Section 11 below.

4. Data Retention

We will retain your personal data for as long as is reasonably necessary for us to maintain and expand our relationship and provide you with our Services and offerings; to comply with our legal and contractual obligations; or to protect ourselves from any potential disputes (i.e. as required by laws applicable to log-keeping, records and bookkeeping, and in order to have proof and evidence concerning our relationship, should any legal issues arise following your discontinuance of use), all in accordance with our contractual terms and data retention policy.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of such data, the purposes for which we process it and the applicable legal requirements.

5. Data Disclosure

We may disclose your personal data to certain third parties and other recipients in accordance with this Privacy Policy and as described below:

  • Service Providers: We engage selected third-party companies and individuals to perform both essential and complementary services that support our performance, Services, and offerings. Such service providers include providers of services such as hosting and server co-location, communications and content delivery networks (CDNs), billing and payment processing, data and cyber security, fraud detection and prevention, web and mobile analytics, e-mail, text messages and web/mobile notification distribution, monitoring and analytics, data optimization and marketing services, learning management platforms, social and advertising networks, content providers, e-mail, voicemails, support and customer relations management systems, call and session recording services, and our legal, financial and compliance advisors (collectively, “Service Providers“).
  • Our Service Providers may have access to your personal data, depending on each of their specific roles and purposes in facilitating and enhancing our Services, and may only use it for such limited purposes as determined in our agreements with them. 
  • Partnerships: We engage selected business and channel partners, resellers, distributors, agents and providers of professional services related to our Services. In such instances, we may disclose relevant contact, business and usage details to the respective Partner, to allow them to engage with and provide services to those Subscribers and Users for such purposes. If you directly engage with any of our Partners, please note that any privacy-related aspect of that engagement which is not directly related to the Services and directed by LiveU, is beyond the scope of this Privacy Policy, and may therefore be governed by the Partner’s terms and privacy policy.
  • Subscribers and their Users: Your personal data may be disclosed to the Subscriber owning the LiveU account to which you are registered as a User (including, for example, data and communications concerning your User Profile, and your LiveU Unit’s location), as well as to other Users under that Subscriber’s account. Your personal data and activity within the Solutions may also be monitored, processed and analyzed by the Admin(s) managing such Subscriber’s account.
  • Service Integrations and API Integrations: You or your organizational Admin may choose to integrate your account on the Solutions with third-party services (provided that such integration is supported by our Solutions). The provider of the integrated third-party service may receive certain data about or from your account on the Solutions, or disclose certain relevant data from the account on the third-party provider’s services to our Solutions, depending on the nature and purpose of such integration. Note that we do not receive or store your personal password for any of these third-party services (but typically require the Subscriber’s API credentials in order to integrate with them).
    • Streaming Integrations: When you use our Solutions to stream content to third-party platforms like YouTube or Facebook, we make use of their respective APIs to support these integrations. Through these integrations, we may access information such as your connection history for live streaming, stream keys, content published on your page on the third-party platform (including posts, videos, and, for Facebook, events), follower details, profile pictures, and viewer comments during live streams. This enables us to enhance your streaming experience and facilitate audience engagement. The way each third-party platform handles the data we make available for this this activity is governed by their own terms of use and privacy statements. For example, the YouTube Terms of Service, the Google Terms of Service, and the Google Privacy Policy apply to the YouTube API, and the Facebook Terms of Service and Privacy Policy apply to the Facebook API. We encourage you to review their practices carefully. You can always revoke any access you may have given us through your account settings on the relevant platform. For example, use the Google Security Settings page for YouTube, or log in to Facebook and follow the instructions on the Facebook App Visibility and Privacy page for Facebook.
    • Social Login Integrations: If you sign in to our Help Center using credentials from a third-party service like Facebook, Google, or Microsoft, we use their respective APIs to support these integrations and will receive certain information from that third-party service, such as your registration and profile information. This information varies and is controlled by that service or by your privacy settings at that service. We may store this information for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy and to verify your credentials with the relevant service. How these services handle the data we make available for this activity is governed by their own terms of service and privacy policies, like those of Facebook or Google (provided above), or (as applicable) by the Microsoft Terms of Use and Privacy Statement. You can always revoke any such access through the Microsoft Consent Management page, or for Google and Facebook, by following the instructions provided above.
  • Event Collaborators: If you register for any event or webinar that we host, organize or sponsor, we may disclose your registration details to others, such as the hosts, organizers, speakers, service providers, and sponsors of that event, so that they may contact you with relevant information and offers, or to fulfill any promotions related to that event. If required by law, you may consent to such disclosure via the registration form or by allowing your badge to be scanned at a sponsor booth. In these cases, your personal data will be subject to the sponsors’ privacy statements. To avoid disclosure, you may choose not to opt in during registration, refrain from scanning your badge, or opt out as outlined in Section 9 below.   
  • Legal Compliance: In exceptional circumstances, we may disclose or allow government and law enforcement officials access to your personal data, in response to a subpoena, search warrant or court order (or similar requirement), or in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Such disclosure or access may occur if we believe in good faith that: (a) we are legally compelled to do so; and/or (b) disclosure is appropriate in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding actual or suspected illegal activity, fraud, or other wrongdoing; and/or (c) such disclosure is required to protect the security or integrity of our Services.
  • Protecting Rights and Safety: We may disclose your personal data to others if we believe in good faith that this will help protect the rights, property or personal safety of LiveU, our employees and team members, our directors and officers, any of our Users, Subscribers or Partners, any of our Service Providers, consultants and advisors, or any member of the general public.
  • LiveU Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies: We may disclose personal data internally within our group of companies, for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. In addition, should LiveU or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates undergo any change in control or ownership, including by means of merger, acquisition or purchase of substantially all or part of its assets, your personal data may be shared with the parties involved in such an event. If we believe that such change in control might materially affect your personal data then stored with us, we will notify you of this event and the choices you may have via e-mail or prominent notice on our Services.

For the avoidance of doubt, LiveU may disclose your personal data in additional manners, pursuant to your explicit approval, or if we are legally obligated to do so, or if we have successfully rendered such data non-personal and anonymous.

In the past 12 months preceding the date this Privacy Policy was last updated, we may have disclosed to the third parties listed above the following CCPA-defined categories of personal information: Identifiers; Customer Records Information; Professional or Employment-Related Information; Internet or other Electronic Network Activity Information; Inferences; Audio, Electronic, Visual, Thermal, Olfactory, or Similar Information; Location Information; and Precise Location.

6. Cookies & Tracking Technologies

Cookies: As is true of most websites, our Sites and Solutions utilize “cookies”, anonymous identifiers, pixels, container tags, and other technologies in order for us to provide our Services and ensure that they perform properly, to analyze our performance and marketing activities, and to personalize your experience. Such cookies and similar files or tags may also be temporarily placed on your device. Certain cookies and other technologies serve to recall personal data, such as an IP address, previously indicated by your device when visiting our Sites or using the Solutions. Under some data protection laws, like the CCPA and other US state privacy laws, our disclosure of this data to third parties for targeted advertising may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” of personal information. To learn more about our practices concerning cookies and tracking, and how to exercise your opt-out rights, please see our Cookie Policy. You can manage your cookie preferences and opt out of the sale or sharing (for targeted advertising) of your data via our cookie banner, which you can reopen anytime by clicking the “Your Privacy Choices” link or the toggle icon in the footer of each webpage within our Services.

Google Analytics: We use Google Analytics to collect information about the use of our Sites and Solutions. This tool helps us understand Users’ behavior on our Services, including by tracking page content, and click/touch movements, scrolls and keystroke activities. Google Analytics also collects information such as how often you visit the Services, which pages you visited when doing so, and which other sites you used prior to coming to our Sites. We do not merge the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable information. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to and use of the Services is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Service and the Google Privacy Policy. You can learn more about how Google collects and processes data specifically in connection with Google Analytics here. Further information about your option to opt out of these analytics services is available here.

7. Communications

We engage in service and promotional communications, through e-mail, phone, SMS and notifications.

Service Communications: We may contact you with important information regarding our Services. For example, we may send you notifications (through any of the means available to us) of changes or updates to our Services, new Solution tutorials available on LiveUniversity (our learning platform), billing and collection matters, expiration of service or subscription terms, log-in attempts or password reset notices, and planned service and maintenance. Our Subscriber and other Users on the same organizational account may also send you notifications, messages and other updates regarding their or your use of the Services. You can manage some of these through your User Profile settings or device notifications settings. However, please note that certain communications essential to the operation and use of our Services (such as password resets or billing notices) cannot be opted out of.

Promotional Communications: We may also notify you about new features, additional offerings, events, special opportunities or any other information we think you will find valuable, as our Subscriber, User, Partner, Business Contact or Prospect. We may provide such notices through any of the contact means available to us (e.g., phone, mobile or e-mail), through the Services, or through our marketing campaigns on our Sites and Solutions.

If you do not wish to receive such promotional communications, you may notify us at any time by sending an e-mail to, or by following the “unsubscribe”, “stop”, “opt-out”, “change e-mail preferences” or similar instructions contained in the promotional communications you receive.

8. Data Security

We implement industry-standard physical, procedural, and electronic security measures to secure your personal data held with us, and to reduce the risks of theft, damage, loss of information, or unauthorized access or use of personal data. However, please be aware that regardless of any security measures used, we cannot and do not guarantee that our Services will be immune to any wrongdoing, malfunctions, unlawful interceptions or access, or other forms or abuse and misuse. We continue to regularly seek new ways and tools for further enhancing the security of our systems.

9. Your Privacy Rights

If you wish to exercise your privacy rights under applicable law (including the EU or UK General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the CCPA, and others), you may do so by contacting us at

Such rights may include – to the extent available to you under the laws that apply to you – the right to know or request access to specific pieces of personal data collected, categories of data collected and sources from whom it was collected, as well as the purposes of collecting it and categories of third parties to whom we have disclosed it; the right to request rectification or erasure of your personal data held with LiveU; the right to restrict the processing of such data and to object to its processing (including the right to opt out of the sale or sharing of your data for targeted advertising, as described in our Cookie Policy); to port such data; or the right to equal services and prices (e.g., freedom from discrimination). If you are a GDPR-protected individual, you also have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority in the EEA, UK or Switzerland, as applicable.

Please note that we may require additional information, including certain personal data, in order to authenticate and process your request (including validating your name and the email you use when interacting with LiveU) and to ask you to provide further information to better understand the nature and scope of your request. Such additional information may then be retained by us for legal purposes (e.g., as proof of the identity of the person submitting the request), in accordance with Section 4 above.

To the extent applicable to you, you may designate an authorized agent, in writing or through a power of attorney, to request to exercise your privacy rights on your behalf. The authorized agent may submit a request to exercise these rights by emailing us. In such cases, we may request further information to verify such power of attorney and authorization.

We will acknowledge your request and provide a follow-up substantive response within a time period permitted by applicable law. We may redact from the data which we make available to you, any personal or confidential data related to others.

If you would like to make any requests or queries regarding your personal data that we process on our Subscriber’s behalf, please contact the relevant Subscriber directly, as they would be the “data controller” of such data (as further explained in Section 10 below). Note that if you do contact us in this regard, we may share your communications with the relevant Subscriber and its Admins or Users for their handling.

10. Roles & Responsibilities

Certain data protection laws and regulations, such as the GDPR or CCPA, typically distinguish between two main roles for parties processing personal data: the “data controller” (or under the CCPA, “business”), who determines the purposes and means of processing; and the “data processor” (or under the CCPA, “service provider”), who processes such data on behalf of the data controller (or business). Below we explain how these roles apply to our Services, to the extent that such laws and regulations apply.

LiveU is the “data controller” of Business Contact Data and Prospect Data. With respect to such data, we assume the responsibilities of a “data controller” (or a “business” under the CCPA) – solely to the extent applicable under law – as set forth in this Privacy Policy. In such instances, our Service Providers processing such data on our instructions will assume the role of data processor (or “service provider” under the CCPA). 

LiveU is the “data processor” of Subscriber Data. This includes the logs of enterprise Users’ interactions with the Solutions, Admins’ audit logs, and any personal data captured or otherwise included in User-generated media (i.e., files, metadata, multimedia images, graphics, audio, video, text, data, or other objects transmitted from or processed by the Solution(s) used by our Subscriber). We process such data on behalf our Subscriber (who is the “data controller” of such data) and strictly in accordance with its instructions, subject to our data processing agreement or other commercial agreements with such Subscriber. Our Service Providers who process such Subscriber Data on our instructions are the “sub-processors” of such data.

LiveU is both a “data controller” and a “data processor” of User Data. Such data is processed by LiveU for its own purposes (as described in Section 2 above), as an independent controller; while certain portions of it which are included in Subscriber Data are processed by us on our Subscriber’s behalf, as a “data processor”.

Our Subscribers are solely responsible for determining how they use our Solutions and for ensuring that all individuals using them on their behalf or at their request, as well as those whose personal data is included in Subscriber Data processed through the Solutions, are properly informed, have given any required consent, and that all other legal requirements related to the collection, use or other processing of personal data through the Solutions are met. Additionally, our Subscribers are responsible for handling data subject rights requests under applicable law from their Users, Admins, and others whose personal data they process through the Solutions.

11. Additional Notices & Contact Details

Updates and amendments: We may update and amend this Privacy Policy from time to time by distributing an amended version on our Services. The amended version will be effective as of the published effective date. If we make any changes that we deem as “material” and affect how your personal data may be processed, we will use reasonable efforts to provide advance notice via any of the communication means available to us. After this notice period, all amendments will be deemed accepted by you.

External links: While our Services may contain links to other websites or services, we are not responsible for their privacy practices. We encourage you to pay attention when you leave our Services for the website or application of such third parties, and to read the privacy policies of each and every website and service you visit. This Privacy Policy applies only to our Services.

Children: Our Services are not designed to attract children who are underage according to data protection laws in their respective jurisdictions. We do not knowingly or intentionally collect personal data from such underage children and do not wish to do so, and we request that anyone underage refrains from providing their personal data to us. If you believe that we might have any such data, please contact us at If we are made aware that a person who is underage according to the law applicable to them is using the Services, we will attempt to prohibit and block such use and will make all necessary efforts to delete any personal data stored with us with regard to that child, except where retention is required for legal purposes. For the purposes of the CCPA, LiveU does not knowingly sell or share the personal information of individuals under the age of 16.

Data Protection Officer: LiveU has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO), for monitoring and advising on LiveU’s ongoing privacy compliance and serving as a point of contact on privacy matters for individuals and supervisory authorities. If you have any comments or questions regarding this Privacy Policy, if you have any concerns regarding your privacy, or if you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is handled by LiveU, please contact our DPO at

EU Representative: Easy Live SAS has been designated as LiveU’s representative in the European Union for data protection matters pursuant to Article 27 of the GDPR. Easy Live SAS may be contacted only on matters related to the processing of personal data of individuals in the EU. To make such an inquiry, please send an email to, or contact Easy Live SAS by post at 43, rue de Liège, 75008 Paris, France.

UK Representative: LiveU UK Limited has been designated as LiveU’s representative in the UK for data protection matters pursuant to Article 27 of the UK GDPR. LiveU UK Limited may be contacted only on matters related to the processing of personal data of individuals in the UK. To make such an inquiry, please send an email to, or contact LiveU UK Limited by post at 1 St. James’s Market, London, England, SW1Y 4AH.

Questions, concerns or complaints: if you have any comments or questions regarding our data practices or your privacy, or if you have any concerns regarding your personal data held with us, or if you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed by LiveU please contact us at

Effective date: September 26, 2024