Jul 28, 2021

Bonded video transport in a 5G world

LiveU’s solutions have always been developed to deliver the most reliable, highest quality live video from anywhere in the world. 5G makes that even better with increased performance and lower latencies.

At the forefront of 5G technology for the broadcast industry

At the forefront of 5G technology for the broadcast industry

Our successful live 5G broadcasts with leading US, APAC and European cellular providers, together with our ongoing participation in EU 5G collaborative projects, have strengthened our understanding and expertise.

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Unlocking 5G potential

Unlocking 5G potential

Delivering unparalleled quality of service and resiliency, the LU800 offers superior 5G performance with up to eight 5G internal dual SIM modems, supported by high-efficiency internal antennas. The unit offers optimized 5G operation and full support for 5G network evolution with customized 5G video delivery algorithms and unique modems, antennas, power and cooling configurations.

The Significance of Bonding

The Significance of Bonding

Bonding will remain a critical resiliency technique, for example during build-out, in remote areas and where 5G falls back to existing frequencies. Cross-company bonding will also be important in cases of network failure or to ensure network coverage with performance depending on users’ proximity to cellular towers and antennas.

Harnessing 5G

Harnessing 5G

LiveU is proud to be a technology and use case partner in key EU Horizon 2020 5G research projects. The 5G Infrastructure Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) projects aim to provide the broadcast community and other verticals with insights into 5G performance in real-world scenarios.

5G Collaboration

LiveU is a proud partner in five EU 5G collaborative research and validation projects.



5G Solutions





5G-RECORDS aims to explore the opportunities that new 5G technology components bring to the professional production of audiovisual content.

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COPA EUROPE aims to address the exploding demand for non-linear sports consumption (live and eSports) by leveraging Over the Top (OTT) sports media services and combining them with new set of media technologies

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5G Solutions

5G Solutions

LiveU also serves as the leader of the Media Leaving Lab and Work Package

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LiveU and its partners test and analyze media applications and 5G performance KPIs, including bonded video contribution use cases.

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LiveU previously participated in the 5G-Xcast project, which focused on Broadcast and Multicast Communication Enablers for the Fifth Generation of Wireless Systems.

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